Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I'm not even sure if I still remain in reality anymore. Sleep escapes me once again, no amount of alcohol or sleeping pills can cut through the desperate fear that keeps me awake. My brain knows something, yet I cannot recall why. The sudden urge to grab the phone and call Andy for help, I want- no need to hear Andy's voice, to be put at ease.

The clock read 3:25, he'd be asleep now. My vision has started to blur, and my eyes have begun to burn. No amout of rubbing eases the pain, I cannot keep them closed long; it's as if something keeps pulling them open, forcing me to stay awake.

A sudden presence causes me to glance over my shoulder at the darkness, nothing there. If there ever was anything. Turning back to my computer screen I feel the presence again, but; I resist the urge to look, for fear that something will be there.

I tap at the keys, and as I write this a chill slides down my spine. Leaning back in my chair, I make out a shape behind me, upon looking closer I see a boy. He looks about 12 or 13 years old, with neatly combed hair, dark brown eyes that dark bags hang under. a dark blue jacket with the local boarding school crest. His reflection reaches out, and I feel a hand squeeze my shoulder.

"Help me," he says. I give into the temptation, and look, he is gone.

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